
The Jared Gear Almshouses Charity

Charity no. 203288

The charity provides unfurnished accommodation in four cottages for deserving elderly persons with connections to Haselbury Plucknett near Crewkerne Somerset.

If you would like to make contact concerning a vacancy, donations and fundraising, legacies or bequests please contact the Clerk to the Trustees.

Mission Statement

To provide safe and secure housing accommodation, for people with limited financial resources, who have connections with Haselbury Plucknett and are capable of independent living. We will achieve this by focusing on three main areas of responsibility.

  1. People – We will ensure our Trustees are fully trained to undertake their roles and that they understand their responsibilities. We will ensure that our employees and contractors are fully qualified and competent to complete necessary works. Our residents will receive a service that is efficient, caring and prompt, making effective use of the charities resources.
  2. Buildings – We will ensure the assets of the Charity are maintained to the highest standards and proactively engage in upgrade, renewal and property care management program. The asset portfolio will be extended to enable the charity to enhance its benefit to the Haselbury Plucknett community.    
  3. Finances ​– We will ensure the long term financial viability of the Charity through regular and rigorous accounts review, use of appropriate financial controls and follow through on sound investment advice from competent advisors. We will actively seek opportunities for fundraising and to receive legacy donations and bequests.